Winnersh Parish Council|

Winnersh Parish Council is urging enthusiastic and engaged members of the community to stand as Councillors. If you want to make a long-lasting change, have innovative ideas or have concerns about a specific issue, this is your opportunity to make a real difference at this year’s election to be held on 4th May 2023.

The work Winnersh Parish Council does is exciting and rewarding. An integral part of a Councillor’s role is engaging with local people, groups, and businesses to determine their needs, making decisions on the services and projects the council should take forward, and getting involved to ensure the parish council’s services meet the community’s needs.

Winnersh Parish Council, based at the Winnersh Community Centre, on Bearwood Recreation Ground, maintains the open space, sports pitches, play areas, outdoor gym, and the community centre. It also manages an allotment site in Woodward Close and plans annual events such as the summer fete and annual litter pick.

There are 15 seats on Winnersh Parish Council, 8 in the south and 7 in the north. The Full Council meets monthly and there are also monthly meetings of the Recreation and Amenities and Planning and Transport Committees. The Finance and General Purposes Committee meets quarterly.

The deadline for nominations for this year’s election is 4th April 2023, and applications must be delivered to Wokingham Borough Council, details in the link below.
For more information about Winnersh Parish Council and the requirements and responsibilities of being a Parish Councillor visit:

• – find out more about the parish council and its work.
• Contact the Clerk at Winnersh Parish Council at [email protected]
• Wokingham Borough Council – for application and election details.
• National Association of Local Councils – Make a Change campaign.

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